As of May 1, 2014, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (USCBP) upgraded its I-94 website by now giving non-immigrants* to the United States access to the last five years of their travel history. Previously, non-immigrants were only able to access their most recent arrival/departure record information. This new feature will assist travelers in documenting prior travel to the United States, which is needed for many immigration applications. Travelers can access their most recent arrival/departure information and travel history at . By way of background, USCBP’s Form I-94 arrival/departure record provides all non-immigrants proof of their lawful admission to the United States. This form verifies the most recent date of entry, class of admission (immigration status), “admit-until” date (length of admission), and in some cases, employment authorization. When visiting the I-94 webpage, travelers can retrieve their arrival/departur...
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